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It was then I noted Cairnes, struggling just beyond ainst the stone, then lifting his great crop to gaze about, sweeping the ainst the boat's side, with such a heave as I never supposed lay in the ht free of the rock, and ere the dancing craft, we clinging desperately to it, had , I felt ht, ready to do ain

"Are you safe, Madans of her presence from where I stood, and she uttered no sound

"I am uninjured," she returned, "but the boat takes water freely I fear a plank has given way"

"Parbleu!" sputtered De Noyan, with a great sound of coughing "So have I taken water freely Sacre! I have gulped down enough of the stuff to last me the remainder of life"

"Hold your wit until we are safe ashore, Monsieur," I commented shortly, for as I stood the strain was heavy on ht, both of you, or the boat will sink before we can beach her; she takes water like a sieve"

We sloon our way backward, the effort requiring every pound of our co breathlessly at the stern, the sectary doing yeo us into quieter water, although we upbore the entire weight of the boat on our shoulders after weThe water poured in so rapidly Mada overboard also, but we persuaded her to reainst the bank at last, and, as I rested, panting fro thereat mat of red hair soaked with black mud, which had oozed down over his face, so as to leave it al after a bath, flinging hirowl De Noyan fared so the snatch of a song as he cliay military cap, without which, jauntily perched upon one side of his head, I had scarcely before seen hi down-streaso little à lathe look of surprise in Madarass, before flinging hi spell