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"Do I really need to do your job for you?" Williaht be a whole pack of you guys on their tails, but that doesn’t mean you’ll find them So, put a bounty on their heads Even their mothers would turn them in--if they had mothers, of course"
Every warrior instinct he possessed rebelled "And take the kill out of my own hands?"
"But the job will be done, so I don’t really see the probleht only of the goal, not the collateral dae "The job may be done--but it may not I wouldn’t know for sure, since I had no part of it And deirl finished with the foil, and William waved her away
"If I fail to destroy their forces," Thane added, "someone else will step into their role Their plans must be stopped at the root"
Williae boy "You said root"
This is one of the ht here No, Williaht and escaped hell, allowing light to shine in the darkness of his soul But he’d since begun to race down the road that led back into the darkness So, he qualified
"Look I have a feeling you’ll be a little too busy shopping for bras to set a trap for the demons you want killed," William said "You’re a what? Forty-two C? Lakeysha over there will give you hers, I bet, freeing up your tiested"
Thane had to ade "As I said, demons lie Demons cheat I will never trust them to do the job for me I or someone I trust will "
Perhaps the warrior would reconsider "I know you have always desired to knoho your real parents are"
"I can help you with that," Thane said "Aid for aid"
A sharp inhalation of breath, proving the action hadn’twith Maleah You’ve heard of her, I’?"
Maleah Who hadn’t heard of her?
Once a Sent One, she had been the most decorated soldier in their realm of the skies She had been so decorated, in fact, that scheduling awith the king Then, one day, she was gone, fallen, and no one had knohy or what had happened
"Set the ," Thane said "As for the information I owe, check with the Sent One na during your first conversation"
THANE, BJORN AND XERXES ar with Maleah was scheduled to happen in half an hour William had worked fast--and the childish hts on the h time to bed a new fe pressure to succeed Afterward, he had alerted his boys At least Kendra wouldn’t be bothering hiiven her to her people
The number of Phoenix had severely declined over the centuries, since very few of their women were able to conceive That hy the males continually hunted the females If one was ever found, she was immediately whisked to a Phoenix camp--and kept there forevermore
By now, Kendra had been wedded to a warrior By now, she was once again a slave
Thane should feel guilty
He didn’t feel guilty
He probably never would
"I’ve felt the tension in this realm of the heavens, as well as the earth, and kneas a prelude to the co so fro to overtake and rule the world"
"Titansdemonswhat’s the difference?" Xerxes said
Not ether"
Thane finished snapping the metal on his arms, each etched with nuh’s proloves and smacked his friends on the shoulder He preferred this armor over that formed by his robe "No one comes to our territory and hurts our people The deive the," Bjorn said
"He hadn’t yet finished his course," Xerxes said, "but he’s now at peace, his spirit in the Most High’s realm of the heavens A far better place"
They shared ahad done theether, they stalked out of their suite and to the roof of the club Thane flared his wings A darkened sky stretched all around hi prettily