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Into the light eyes of M Fleuriot there caleareater sharpness In a e; he dropped froh office; he
dwindled into a fanatic
"She is a Jewess, this Celia Harland?" he cried
"No, M Fleuriot, she is not," replied Wetherest
its members But Celia Harland is not one of the of disappoint, too, of incredulity, in his voice "Well, you will coation" And he
passed on without another question or reo, and it was not until he was out
of earshot that Besnard turned with a deprecating gesture to
"Yes, yes, he is a good judge, M Hanaud--quick, discri,
sympathetic; but he has that bee in his bonnet, like so many
others Everywhere he et it
out of his head No nificant a woman is murdered,
she must have letters in her possession which would convict
Dreyfus But you know! There are thousands like that--good,
kindly, just people in the ordinary ways of life, but behind every
crime they see the Jew"
Hanaud nodded his head
"I know; and in a Juge d'Instruction it is very eate and the villa a second carriage-road
struck off to the left, and at the entrance to it stood a young,
stout s
"The chauffeur?" asked Hanaud "I will speak to him"