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Page 62 (1/1)

Only four men of the Halfmoon's creere lost in the wreck of the vessel All had been crowded in the bohen the ship broke in two, and being far-flung by the forward part of the brigantine as it lunged toward the cove on the wave following the one which had dropped the craft upon the reef, with the exception of the four who had perished beneath the wreckage they had been able to swi upon the deck of the doo the time that hope had been at its lowest, had recovered his poise Skipper Siain his bluster He took Theriere to task for the loss of the Halfmoon

"An' ever we 'in' you, you swab you; a-losin' of the finest bark as ever weathered a storin' h in safety an' never lost a bloomin' soul"

"Stow it!" admonished Theriere at last; "your foolish bluster can't hide the bald fact that you deserted your post in tier We're ashore now, remember, and there is no hty careful how I talked to my betters"

"What's that!" screareaser you, I'll teach you Here, some of you, clap this swab into irons I'll learn hihed in the man's face; but Ward and a couple of hands who had been shown favoritisly toward the second officer

The Frenchlance They were ashore nohere they didn't think that they needed him further and the process of eliht as well come to a sho as later

"Just ato take me alive, and I have no idea that you want to anyhow, and if you start anything in the killing line so withfor all concerned is to divide up this party now once and for all"

As he finished speaking he turned toward Billy Byrne

"Are you and the others with 'in' Simms," replied the mucker non-committally