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These things attended to, Skipper Simms with the balance of his own crew and six of the crew of the Lotus to take the places upon the brigantine of those left as a prize crew aboard the yacht returned with the girl to the Half vessel's sails were soon hoisted and trimmed, and in half an hour, followed by the Lotus, she was scudding briskly southward For forty-eight hours this course was held until Siular trans-Pacific traffic
During this ti had been kept below, locked in a sro who brought her meals to her three times daily--meals that she returned scarcely touched
Now the Half canvas while Skipper Simms returned to the Lotus with the six antine with him two days before, and as many more of his own men
Once aboard the Lotus the men were put to ith those already on the yacht The boat's rudder was unshipped and dropped into the ocean; her fires were put out; her engines were attacked with sledges until they were little better than so much junk, and to make the slender chances of pursuit that remained to her entirely nil every ounce of coal upon her was shoveled into the Pacific Her extra masts and spare sails followed the way of the coal and the rudder, so that when Skipper Simms and First Officer Ward left her with their own men that had been aboard her she was little better than a drifting derelict
Fro had witnessed the wanton wrecking of her father's yacht, and when it was over and the crew of the brigantine had returned to their own ship she presently felt the ot under way, and soon the Lotus dropped to the stern and beyond the range of her tiny port With a irl sank prostrate across the hard berth that spanned one end of her prison cell
How long she lay there she did not know, but finally she was aroused by the opening of her cabin door As she sprang to her feet ready to defend herself against what she felt er her eyes ide in astonishment as they rested on the face of the man who stood framed in the doorway of her cabin