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The autumn tints were full on the trees in Sihasset, but the air was still balh to make the veranda of Father Murray's residence far more pleasant than indoors The Pastor had returned Pipe in hand, wearing his comfortable old cassock, and with a s with Saunders The detective was evidently as pleased as Father Murray He was leaning on "Old Hickory" and puffing at a cigar, with contentment in every line of his countenance
"No job I ever did, Father, gave"It orth while, even though I'll have to go out now and look for another one"
"I do not believe, Mr Saunders," said Father Murray, "that you will have to look for another position In fact, I do not believe you would care for the same kind of position you had before--would you? I suppose I shall have to let you into a little secret Mark is not going to stay all the tia and expects to be here for at least part of each year I heard him say that he would try to influence you to beco, Father But what does an intendent intend to do? It's a new one on me"
"An intendent, my dear Mr Saunders," said Father Murray, "is quite a personage on the other side He is the e of all the property It is quite a good position; better, in fact, than that of a private detective Then, you see, his care of the servants and continued watchfulness over the property makes detective experience somewhat valuable If the salary suits you, by all means I would advise you to accept the offer Besides, you know, Mr Saunders, we have all gotten to like you very much Apart from the fact that you are what Mrs O'Leary would call 'a black Protestant,' I look upon you as one of hed "'A black Protestant' indeed! A lot of difference that makes with you Why, you were 'a black Protestant' yourself, Father Murray, and in some ways I believe they only ashed you"
"Now, Mr Saunders," reproved Father Murray, "that is not very complimentary There is no ash or veneer about ood-humor of the priest, there was a touch of seriousness in his voice, and Saunders hastened to explain
"I didn't mean it quite that way, Father--only it strikes me that there is always a difference bethat I call the 'simon-pure Catholic' and the one that wasn't born a Catholic"