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O'Reilly was in a quandary He gravely doubted Esteban's ability to stand the rough return journey, and when he spoke to Norine of turning back she was panic-stricken at the suggestion
"No, no!" she cried, anxiously "We MUST get hi lessens his chances! His heart is set on going through and it would--kill hih," he smiled
For the first time in their acquaintance Norine lost control of herself
"We simply MUST find a boat All he needs is proper care, proper food, andWhy, the disappointment alone--" Her voice failed her, tears started to her eyes, and she began to tremble wretchedly "If he--If I--lose him I'll die, too," she sobbed
O'Reilly tried to comfort her and she bowed her head upon his shoulder
"Proo back," she implored him
"Very well, if you'll consent to risk this miserable tub we found on the beach--"
"I'll risk anything--a raft, even"
"It is large enough to carry us if we can e to ood at this season and it shouldn't take us long to run across to Andros if we have luck If we don't have luck--"
Norine dried her eyes "What would you do if you were alone? Would you dare try it?"
He hesitated, then confessed, "I think I would, but--"
"Is there an even chance of our getting across?"
"Perhaps It all depends upon the weather"
"Can't we--build a boat?"
He shook his head "Even if we had lu Tenor the other quickly, before they learn we're here"
"Then let's go on I'ree When her husband put the question fairly to her she showed by the pallor of her cheeks and by the rekindling light of terror in her eyes how desperately she feared reer in this land of hate and persecution "Don't turn back," she cried "I'irl I was I've endured sowould be better than going back"
Whencame O'Reilly made a closer exa, and when he told Leslie of his intention to make use of it the latter stared at him in open amazement