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"Oh, on't give up until we have to," he assured her "If I had uard to pass us through the lines, but I have spent all that General Betancourt gave ly at her "Well, I'll e somehow; so don't worry your pretty head I'll find the price, if I have to waylay old Don Mario and rob hiht of me would terrify that fat rascal"

"To irl Then she lowered her eyes "La, la! How I spoil you! I have quite forgotten how to be ladylike Isabel was right when she called me a bold and forward hussy Now, then, please turn your face aside, for I wish to think, and so long as you look at me I cannot--I make love to you brazenly See! Now, then, that is much better I shall hold your hand, so When I kiss it youherself closer to O'Reilly, Rosa began thoughtfully: "Before you ca to some of my forer--simpatico, you understand?"

Rosa paused for his answer

"Perfectly; I'm in the same fix Of all the people I used to know there isn't one but would denouncewith the Insurrectos, I daren't even go to the American consul for help--if there is an Aly: "I had a vivid dreaht Perhaps it was a portent Who knows? It was about that stepmother of mine You remember how she met her death? I wrote you--"

"Yes, and Esteban also told me"

"It was he who recovered her body fro, away up yonder in the Yumuri, he showed me an old coin--"

"I know," O'Reilly said, quickly "He told me the whole story He thinks that doubloon is a clue to your father's fortune, but--I can't put much faith in it In fact, I didn't believe until this moment that there was a doubloon at all"

"Oh, indeed there was! I saw it"

"Then it wasn't merely a sick fancy of your brother's?"

"Indeed no, it--" Rosa broke off to exclaiaveof the sort; you placed your fingers uponwhich the lovers were oblivious to all but each other, then Rosa e! Soray Does that e?"