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"You know all that I kno and everything that has happened to me"

"I don't kno you came to be in a cell in San Antonio de los Banos, two hundred miles from the place you were killed That is still a o Let ht at La Joya I was telling you how I fainted"

"Exactly Norine bound and gagged you at that point in the story"

"Soood people found me a few hours after I lost consciousness They supposed I had been attacked by guerrillas and left for dead Finding that I still had life in me, they took me home with them They were old friends from Matanzas by the name of Valdes-- cultured people who had fled the city and were hiding in the ua like the rest of us"

"Not Valdes, the notary?"

"The very sauided them to me Alberto was an old irls Nevertheless, he refused to abandon ed and as shy as deer They nursed me for weeks, for my wounds became infected God! It seems to me that I lay there sick and helpless for years When my brain would clear I would think of Rosa, and then the fever would rise again and I would go out of my head Oh, they were faithful, patient people! You see, I had walked east instead of west, and noaswith Spaniards ere burning, destroying, killing You wouldn't know Matanzas, O'Reilly It is a desert

"I finally becaword to Rosa, and the uncertainty nearly made me crazy My clothes had rotted from me;sight Then one day there caes for Gomez He was one of Lopez's one to the Rubi Hills with Maceo, and that there were none of our s, too It was from him that I learned--" Estban Varona's thin hands clutched the edges of his hammock and he rolled his head weakly from side to side "It was he who told ed the Yuone Christ!"