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The storekeeper and his wife arrived unheralded; they gave no warning of their coers of their ho the shrill, petulant voice of their beloved, they les swoop from the sky at threat to their nest

Branch looked up at the sound of so down upon him Her face hite, frantic, terrible; her arave utterance to a peculiar, distressing cry Snatching the baby from his lap without sobrown boso, just in tiht of the child's distracted father He went down in a swirl of ars; he felt himself kicked, pounded, trampled, beaten, scratched, until his friends caed him to his feet He rose to behold a s hi mouthfuls from such portions of the baby's anatomy as were not hidden in itsthe Sabbath cal from her tent One look, and its cause was plain FiftyIn consequence of the torrent of words that beat upon their ears it was some time before the merchant and his wife could be made to fully understand the peculiar circu, and that no har Slowly, bit by bit, they learned the truth, but even then thedilation of the eyes and a peculiar expression of restrained ferocity

The father was hter's safety, his thankfulness sought outlet He began by e every one within his reach He kissed Norine, he kissed O'Reilly, he kissed Judson, he made a rush at Leslie himself; but the latter, suspicious of his intent, fled Unmindful of the fact that these were the oods and profaned his holy of holies, he recklessly distributed aave away the re love for theed theratitude to return to San Antonio de los Banos, make themselves masters of all his worldly possessions, and then burn his store