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Cuba, when it caolden sunshine, all warmth and welcome, like a bride upon an azure couch The rant shores swept over the steamer's decks and Johnnie O'Reilly sniffed it joyfully
He had brought little luggage with him, only an extra suit of khaki, a few toilet articles, and a Colt's revolver, the co the weapon in his hand, debating how and where to conceal it, when the first officer paused in the state-roo arhed "It's an old friend I don't know just what to do with it"
"I'll tell you," the mate volunteered "Lead your old friend out here to the rail, shake hands with hiets you into trouble"
"I mean it They won't let you land with that hardware Take h his intentions were far fro himself, in view of his secret plans, to part with his only weapon He exa a considerable surplus of cloth at each inside seaun in so that it hung close against the inside of his right leg when he donned the garment It felt queer and unco as he stood upright With soehter clothing
Neuvitas was scorching under a laring white; here and there a splotch of vivid Cuban blue stood out; the rickety, wor of its water-front rese out of a chalky face mottled with unhealthy, artificial spots of color Gusts of wind froht feverish odors, as if the city were sick and exhaled a tainted breath But beyond, the hills were clean and green, the fields were rich and ripe That was the Cuba which O'Reilly knew
A Spanish transport, close by, was languidly discharging unifor unloaded; the sound of a bugle floated from the shore Moored to the docks or anchored in the harbor were several shallow-draught "tin-clad" coast-patrol craft from the staffs of which streah there were but a few passengers on the Dunha which suspicious custoe and questioned theo ashore He had passed the ordeal handily, and noas eager to reach so- place where he could re so aardly at every step Once on the dock, he gave his bag to a negro and led the way toward the street At the last moment, however, just as he was about to plant his feet upon solid earth, he was halted by twoThey carried the tasseled canes of the Secret Service, and O'Reilly felt his heart jump