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And presently, as I strove thus painfully, co was so young) she very gay and debonnaire in her 'broidered gown

"Ha!" said she, seating herself hard by "The sun is new-risen, yet you do sofully, the which I do joy to see So-ho, then, labour and sweat, my pretty man: it shall be all vain, aha--vain and to no purpose"

But finding I heeded her nosoft: "A out her petticoats "Aye, to be sure your eyes do tell me so, scowl and mutter as you will See now, Martino, I have lived here three days and in all this woful weary tie, unless dost know it already, for 'tis fa the Main; indeed 'tis none so wonderful you should know it--"

"I don't!" said I "Nor wish to!"

"Then I will tell you--'tis Joan!" Hereupon I droppedhow I stared upon her, burst into a peal of laughter "Ah, ah!" cried she "Here is pretty, soft name and should fit me as well as another Why must you stare so fool-like; here is no witchcraft, for in the caves yonder 'Joan' meeteth me at every turn; 'tis carven on walls, on chairs, on table, together with 'Damaris' andthis for truth, turned er, whiles this wohter

"Daht these tomen, but now do I know Joan is Damaris and Damaris Joan and you a poor, lovelorn fool But as for me--I am Joanna--"

Now at this I turned and looked at her

"Joanna?" said I, wondering

"Ah, you have heard it--this na"

"Oh, verily!" said she and forthwith began singing in her deep, rich voice: "There's a fine Spanish dao--"

"Aha, and mark this, Martino: "Till your black heart shall feel Your own cursed steel Black Bartlemy--Bartlemy, ho!"

"But this was my mother--"

"Ha--she that stabbed and killed the pirate Bartlemy ere he slew her? But she was a Spanish lady"

"Nay, she was English, and lieth buried hereabouts, 'tis said; howbeit, she died here whiles I ith the Indians They found me, very small and helpless, in the ruins of a burned town and tookIndians, used me kindly and well Then ca Christians, slew the Indians and used me evilly and were cruel, save only one; twenty and two they were and all dead long ago, each and every, save only one Aha, Martino, for the evil ed! For I am Joanna that so Jo' And indeed there be few men can match me at swordplay and as for musket and pistol--watch now, Martino, theitself on a rock at no little distance and, catching up the pistol, levelled and fired; and in place of the bird was nought but a splash of blood and a few poor, gaudy feathers stirring lazily in the gentle wind