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She ceased abruptly, and her own love for hi attacks an oak in the autuly to the burnt student, and Myra Longly fisherman with a love that hurt like hers

No one asked the short-skirted, barefooted girl to finish her sentence The threefrom the depths of her woman's heart Frederick lifted his head

"Tess--Tessibel, I can only say with my father that we all love you for what you have done for her"

His voice broke

"And for ain, as I have said many tiers closed over hers in an intense, desperate clasp How long she had waited for hireat love in the presence of Daddy Skinner and the big man from the hill

Her father watched her, this child whom but a year before he had left almost a baby She was a woman noith a woman's voice and a woman's love The fisheresture Had he found his darling again but to lose her?

Iaze with her tear-di to her hand

"I air Daddy's brat," she whispered "But I says," and she flashed Frederick a lightning-like glance through the red lashes before she dropped her eyes, and murmured, "but I says, as how I said before, that I air yer squatter"