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Keeping to the water's edge, Professor Young walked rapidly toward Ithaca He knew that further up the shore the fisher their nets; he did not wish to advance upon the Tessibel Skinner, he had become more lenient toward the law-breakers
He turned into the forest at the side of the Hoghole, but the sound of voices brought hi out a threat
"Ye be a-tryin' to get Tess, and I tells ye to look out"
"Shet up!" responded Ben Letts
"If ye air a-wishin' to live," caain, "I says for ye to keep away from her"
"I lives 'cause I lives, and I ain't afraid of ye, nohow"
The Professor barely caught the words, for they were gurgled in the deep throat
"I wants Tess for a wooin' to have her She'll care for Ma, but the south one went on silently Ben Letts and Ezra Longrips with each other
Professor Young uttered no word Then Ezra's voice ca body
"I tells what I knows about Skinner if ye don't get up and let ers closed over his throat, and Ezra Long around and around, the rope slackened from the north reel in the water; and still Ben Letts held his deadly fingers pressed about the neck of his ene saw Ben sit up and bend his head to the heart of the other fisherlance about, he lifted the boy in his ar drew back into the overhanging branches
The squatter stuhty effort lifted hihole
In another instant, Ben was back upon the shore at the reel, turning swiftly until silently it caught up with the other, just as the net dragged in the shalloaters, with bushels of flopping fish inside
Professor Young lowered hireatest caution The lad came to the surface directly below hied end of a rock