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"No fraternity for me," he yelled "I've never heard of such a dirty trick If you fellows--"
His disgusted gaze fell upon the plate held by a sophohter Jiain--blank astonisher In the dish were only a few strings of cold cooked lanced about upon the grinning faces with a sheepish air
"That's what you are alright," said Manchester, trying to be serious and securing a better grip upon the carpet beater "Who said you could take that bandage off That will cost you five strokes of the 'Mazuka'Here, fellows, hold hiet in some of my fine strokes Onetwothreefourfive "
Jimmy was jerked to his feet, the injured expression upon his sorrowful face plainly showing Manchester that his strokes had been telling ones
"There! We're through with you for to-night, 'Spuddy,' old boy," said Manchester, proudly feeling his biceps "Go sit downif you can," and Ji a conference in undertones, a, Richard unfolded a new plan Then he said in a loud voice, "One of you fellows see if the surgeon is here yet And hurry back"
Billy Dillon who had res, received his bandage without a coh his face was ashy pale, and his knees shook beneath him as Hall approached
What did they want a doctor for? They surely wouldn't do--anything bad enough to need a surgeon Thoughts like these went racing through his frighteneddarkness to a chair near by Silence fell upon the roo, made louder by the explosive beats of his heart
"Swipes," he heard Hall say, "we've decided that we can't stand that pretty face of yours around, but as we like you and don't want to send you aill change the expression on it A gash on each of those rosy cheeks will alter your whole appearance, so nize you again In after days, when you grow to be a man, you will thank us for this Frank, tell Dr Wallace to come in"
A pauseand Billy heard the door open and close, and sos