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"So, you knohy I'uess You're either the sister or the wife of the Ray Reid in the clink No ring, so I'll go with sister"

"Correct He's guilty by reason of being a stranger I' to put et your name in the paper and your picture on TV God, you're the poster girl-next-door if I ever saw one Love your cute skirt Grab that chair over there, Sugar Scoot up close so I can get a good look at you I heard you were in town I phoned Jerry Kagan a couple days ago; he wouldn't say anything about you and wouldn't let me talk to your brother Maybe you can help me National TV is interested now So far, I'et pushed out"

"I haven't seen any TV satellite trucks"

"They did some videophone and shot so by I've been feeding the AP, but the boss says not to help any TV reporters

"I've read your pieces You're as good as anyone up north Cri"

"I' stories are rare around here I' but sad, I knew the senator" Linda pointed at Sandy's left hand "You're unattached They don't have what you're after in the big city?"

"I had so serious I'm just a kid didn't you notice"

"You'd be astonished at what I notice about you" She leaned closer "Tell me, met anyone that interests you down here?"

"No ti"

"You have other brothers, sisters?"

"No, just Ray sister Someone to take care of her now and then" She tried to make eye contact with Sandy who had looked away "Anyhow, are you going to letstale Got plenty of ru?"

"Sure, let's get right to it You go first What was in your brother's statement to the police?"

"Geez, you don't ht prejudice our case so at the senator's apartment?"

"Raymond met Towson at a party the week before"

"Bullshit Why was he there?"

"He was told so for her That's the truth"

"Who's her? What sort of trouble? I can't print half-ass stuff Does the trouble have anything to do with the murder?"