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When she looked outside, in the distance she could see a group of woarden that her mother once loved She tried to see the wo off the top of the mountain prevented a closer view The women wore bonnets or scarves on their head and the skirts they ent all the way to the ground Olivia leaned against the door and watched the in her parents’ yard She wanted to run outside and screa They rea up Perhaps these women were sister wives and they shared one husband Olivia didn’t think she could ever live like that She was much too jealous to share anyevery day that covered her from head to toe, and she would die without makeup

Olivia’s mother had taken her to Salt Lake City for the Little Miss Utah beauty pageant when she was seven and after that Olivia knew she was destined to wear ner clothes She was deteraht was the only way of life Living in New York City was so different fronized her ho away, and fros around here, life had stood still in the mountain state she once called home

She pulled a mirror out of her purse and looked at her reflection The years had been a friend to her Her dark eyes still had their sparkle and her hair was just as silky as it had been when she was a girl She wasn’t old by anyunless she reached the heights of a supermodel, which Olivia intended to do She fluffed her hair that was thick and shiny and attracted men like bees to honey and pursed her lips until the shine of her gloss sparkled She began to lower the lid on her mirror when she noticed a reflection that wasn’t hers She turned around and backed up until she felt the edge of the kitchen counter dig into her back

“Who are you?”

The man didn’t scare Olivia She smarted back, “I a here and how did you get a key? And perhaps you can tell me who those women are in my back yard”