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The Iht Kresley Cole 16940K 2023-09-02


Mariketa rolled her eyes when Bowe ducked inside the cabin after taking the steps to the plane two at a time

The pilot, a short, nondescript - nonhuman - male, drew the door closed behind him, then promptly readied for takeoff Apparently, they were to be the only passengers

Bowe loped down the aisle to where she sat, then dropped into a seat beside her "You ken the pilot's a deainst them as well"

"With deue"

"He's the one as supposed to take o - when I should have returned" Her deht I ed since I left you behind"

"Maybe no' with you"

"What does that mean?"

When the pilot lined up on the runway and revved the twin propeller engines, the plane began to rattle

"There's so I need to tell you " Bowe trailed off with a frown at her death grip on the arot to relax The noise is normal" This was a typical Carib aircraft - a puddle juer "There's nothing to be scared of"

As they gained speed down the runway, the rattling and the whine of the engines increased "They put wings on a laer," she muttered

"The trip will only be two or so hours, a mere jaunt" He made his tone confident, but the fact that a demon was in the cockpit vexed hi takeoff she squeezed her eyes tight He took her hand, and she let him

Once they'd reached altitude and leveled off, Bowe reluctantly peeled her hand froht back"

He could tell she wanted him to stay, which heartened him Maybe he hadn't blown his chances with her He crossed to the cockpit, opening the cabin door "Everything all right up here?" he asked the pilot

"Yessir" His manner was casual, even bored

"What breed of demon are you? Aye, doona look surprised I can tell"

"I'm a Ferine"

They weren't the least peaceable demons

Bowe returned to Mariketa "Do you have that sat-phone we got on the mainland?"

She took it from the purse at her feet and handed it to hilance