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The Iht Kresley Cole 17230K 2023-09-02

Chapter 11

"I can do it reed to"

With a sigh, she joined hian to pound all the broad leaves Inside, the fire crackled, burnishing her long red hair with gold as he sifted it through his fingers, drying it into big curls Now that he'd bathed her, the scent of her hair and skin was subli his senses

Yes, she could have done this herself, but he didn't want to give up tasks like these They pleased hi he'd battled for years At last, he didn't suffer froency - to find the row heavy, not only with desire, but with satisfaction He'd alotten what it was like to be content The need to have her was still pressing, yet he savored even that He'd rather endure unfulfilled lust, with the hope of slaking it, than the hopelessness he'd suffered for so long

He found he was able to push aside his reservations and just enjoy this, feeling as if he was exactly where he was supposed to be He grew so coan to stream down her face

"Bloody hell, Mariketa Why do you cry?"

She swiped at her cheeks "I'm your enemy It should please you to see me miserable"

"Should But it does no'" She was miserable? He racked his brain for what else she could possibly want He'd thought he was ress with her "What do you need, then? To no' be unhappy?"

She jerked back froers froentleness from you you confuse me, and I'm so tired and I hate you so much" Tears continued to track down her face

"Damn you, stop this cryin', Mariketa"

At that, she went up on her knees and punched his shoulder Her expression said she'd found that hit surprisingly satisfying, so she did it again and again, slapping and punching "You left me in there!" His eyes narrowed as he took the blows, but he didn't stop her "And the only reason you caht to do over again, I'd act differently"

She finally ran out of energy, gave a halfhearted slap, then sank down onto her bottom In a stunned tone, she er and wasn't shy about using her powers - his neck still hurt from her attack Yet had she experienced a moment of astonished disbelief like this when the stone had dropped, not only because of her predicament but because he'd done it to her?

"You were the one who told me I could no' complain because this was a competition You said all's fair"