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Oh yes, she liked how this man made her feel
When she'd worked for the Secret Service, the agency had frowned onwork and pleasure She'd resented the rule at the time and had bent it on occasion, but with Ryan's relationship to Sam between them, she'd be smart to follow a no-fraternization rule now
On the other hand, he was hard to resist; his pull was netic And he'd be around for a feeeks, underfoot, watching theet to know hiive her all the heat she desperately needed without being any threat to her resolution to advance her career and her life It was an ideal situation
"You see? Not only are you one big, loving group, but you say what you think" He shook his head in disbelief
She swung their clasped hands back and forth "Better than keeping your feelings bottled up until you explode"
"Or run away," he muttered
She paused "Your sister?"
He nodded "She chafed under rules and restrictions"
"And your parents had a lot of theuessed without too much difficulty
"You could say that Ever hear the terine all that term implies My brother and I conformed She didn't"
Zoe raised an eyebrow, interested in his background for reasons that went beyond Sam "How many brothers and sisters do you have?"
"There were three of us in total There's the oldest, JT, then calazed over at the irl"
He nodded "My parents had high hopes for her They expected her to have a traditional co but traditional"
Being so close to her fah when Zoe'd had to fake her disappearance, she could empathize with his pain over his sister
She squeezed his hand tight "I really aht want to take Sam away "So your folks ht in her throat, this ti souely "So how do you care for a pig?"
A not-so-subtle change of subject and Zoetheirthe discussion at the office seemed like an even better idea now, since she didn't want to run the risk of Sa And now that she'd found out somewith his topic change
"You can feed and train the pig like any other doe Clooney has one and he loves that anio ," he said and shuddered "No thanks I'll avoid it for now"
"Chicken" Zoe grinned "So where are you staying?"