Page 22 (1/2)
I try to decide if that’s a lot Since he came out when he was fourteen and his parents were okay with hi, that doesn’t seem so bad But it makes me look very pathetic and inexperienced
Strands of his hair fall into his eyes as he tips his head forward and stares into his glass "What about you?" He lifts his gaze to ainstfrom the sound system
"I don’t really want to tell you"
"Why not?" His lip pops out to a sexy pout I don’t think he even realizes he’s doing it, whichto make you think I’m lame"
"I would never think you’re la a hand over my scars "One"
His head cocks to the side "One?"
I nod, shamefaced "Yep, just one"
He brushes his hair out of his eyes "I don’t knohy, but I thought it’d be rew up in a small town, so there weren’t a lot of options," I explain in a tight voice "Plus, the town I grew up in didn’t make it easy Everyone knows everyone, so I couldn’t even sneak out on a date without it getting back to ain "It probably makes me sound pathetic that I just didn’t say to hell hat everyone thinks"
"It’s not pathetic" He covers my hand with his "It wasn’t always easy for me, either, and I had two supportive parents I can’t even iine how hard it’s been for you Did you have any friends or anything to support you?"
My fingers flex below his and even though it’s almost instinct at this point to pull away, I force myself to keep my hand where I want it to be "I had a couple, but no one close"
"What about the guy you dated?"
I s to bruise
"Seth" His eyes soften and I swear he can read right through me, see the scars hidden on the inside ofmy heart, across my soul
Tears start to burn inelse? I don’t think I’m ready for this conversation yet"
"Okay" He easily lets it go and I like him evenand drinking When he asks me to dance, I feel bad when I say no