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The professor disather our stuff

"Seriously? That’s fucking cool" I glance down at his bag as I stand to my feet and stretch out my arms "Can I see some of your photos or is that too personal, like people with their journals?"

"No, it’s okay" He gets to his feet, unzips his bag, and pulls out his ca the boundaries of personal space Or so I’ve been told Personally, I don’t see it"

He chuckles as he taps a button, the screen lights up, and he hands it to me "No, I promise you’re cool A lot of my photos have been entered in contests, so tons of people have seen theure out how to get to the slideshow

He leans over, pressing a button on the screen, and his fingers brush mine before he pulls away My stoh the photos

Scrolling through each one, I notice a few landscapes, but es to capture a passionate sense of e"

I’nize the people in the next fra with Callie outside on a bench I tap to the next one and then the next, both of which are of me In fact, the next twenty are all of me Some I look happy in, but in a few, I see the pain I always carry with me

I look over at Greyson "When did you take these?"

With his brows furrowed, he leans over to see what I’ot those were on there" He snatches the ca "I swear I’m not a stalker I just saw you on the first day of school and," he slings his bag over his arm, and then fiddles with a leather bracelet on his wrist, "I don’t know, I just wanted to take pictures of you"

He’s so e, which is quite possibly theI’ve ever seen

"It’s okay," I tease, falling right back into the flirty again, for athe old Seth "I kno irresistible I can be"

A small smile rises on his lips as we head out of the classroom "So, you’re not completely weirded out?"

I shake my head "Oddly, I’m kind of flattered, but that’s probably the attention whore side of "

He peers around the empty room and then stares atself-conscious

"It’s nothing I just realized you never did answer "

"You really need a tutor?" Because I’ me out