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Episode 46/Chapter 4: Idun’s (4)
TL: Tsubak
The sanctu central hall and nine rooms that were connected to it Each one of these roo and sonar took Tae Ho to the s chair that was in the wall Tae Ho sat next to hinar was usually like this but he didn’t hit around the bush He asked directly
"THere are two things I should tell you One is related to the top rank and the other one is about ‘that’ Which one do you want to hear?&8221;
‘That’ thing Oding mentioned
Tae Ho was really curious about that but he put his curiousness aside for now
"Let’s hear about the top rank first I think that the order will fit in then&8221;
Tae Ho had always been curious about the boundary of a top rank since he first hly probable that ‘that’ was also more related than the top rank Then it was better to listen about the top rank first
"Right, let’s go with that first&8221;
Ragnar ca his hands It sees in his head as he had toexplanation
"Tae Ho, just like you know there are few superior ranked warriors and above than you think in Valhalla It’s because it hasn’t been restored completely since the Great War Especially for the top ranked warriors……They were few in numbers in the first place but it decreased even more&8221;
Tae Ho nodded The nuh it was including the Steel warriors But only a dozen of theinally like this There were much more superior ranked warriors before the Great War took place
"The number of top ranked warriors currently active is merely four and the ones that can be truly called as the real top ranked warriors are two&8221;
"The real top ranked warriors?&8221;
Tae Ho tilted his head and asked It was because it was a concept he was hearing for the first tiap between top ranked warriors just like it is for any other rank But the gap isn’t as… It’s a differentiation that is made with the other ranks&8221;
The amount of runes and proficiency in attributes was thejust because you had a lot of runes as the warriors of Valhalla had their sagas There were plenty of cases that the differences in ability got shortened based on the characteristic of a saga or their abilities
"The lowest ranked class is the stage where you learn about accue that prepares you to receive the strength of a God and the inter the power of a God&8221;
Ragnar spoke of so basic and looked at Tae Ho’s eyes fixedly and continued speaking
"If you become a superior ranked warrior, you are able to use the power of a God full fledgedly and due to that, ordinary sagas are able to surpass their lia Then, what is a top ranked warrior? Is there a rank above thethe explanation asking the questions? That old s usually but when he starts explaining he starts to speak for a long ti?’
Cuchulainn’s intrusion was also sudden this tinar said in a low voice while Tae Ho agreed inwardly
"If you become a top ranked warrior, you obtain a divinity of your own&8221;
A divinity?&8221;
"Yes It’s beyond of sith of the God you serve… and you start obtaining your own divine power&8221;
The power of a God which you started to handle from the interion
And the power of a God that was generated by a warrior was also like that
Tae Ho’s divine power, that was a warrior of Idun, was sinar’s divine power that was a warrior of Odin was sied from the top rank
It did use the divine power of the God froion as its base but you could also use your own divinity
"But obtaining a divinity isn’t an easy thing No, precisely speaking, should I say a strong divinity?&8221;
Asgard was a land of Gods The Aesir and the Vanir were all co at it with another perspective there were thousands of divinities only in Asgard
"You can say that you become a half God the moment you become a top ranked warrior There’s a clear difference with the superior rank but looking at it from a distance it’s not that different The divinity you obtain at first is really er&8221;
A divinity similar to a baby of the Aesir
"Tae Ho, it’s a bit disrespectful but…if you were to differentiate the Gods of Asgard, how many ranks do you think they have?&8221;
"Three…no, four&8221;
Tae Ho answered quickly and Ragnar put a satisfied sht, just like you said they can be differentiated in four We will differentiate them as inferior, intermediate, superior and top rank due to the convenience&8221;
Ragnar spread all his fingers excluding his thu to the inferior rank are the citizens of Asgard……the normal Gods of the Aesir and the Vanir They do have a divinity but it’s not that a to this rank&8221;
Adenmaha was a Goddess just like she clairun and Gudrun were also Goddesses
"The Gods that are at the intermediate rank are the ones we know of but aren’t that powerful They get a quality in their divinity and also have their roles set but they aren’t Gods that great to have a legion&8221;
Eir, the Goddess of healing and Var, the Goddess of ory
"The Gods that belong to the superior rank are the ones that have their legions or possess strength cos to this rank&8221;
The battle Gods like Herions and the Gods that have the sah they don’t have their legions, just like the Goddess of fertility Gefion
‘It’s kind of new but I wondered why he didn’t use polite words only with Idun It seems like that old man already knew that Idun-nim and Heda shared the sa a look back to the past, Ragnar had never used polite words with Idun
"The difference in your divinity is quite significant even though they are at the sa superior ranked Gods&8221;
It was like a difference in their battle power existed between superior ranked warriors
"And Odin-ni to the top rank?&8221;
"Right, also…Heimstream-ni of Gods and THor was the ard
The only ones that could stand shoulder to shoulder with theard Freya or the captain of the Vanir, Hei back to the topic, you will obtain a divinity when you become a top ranked warrior It’s a divinity that there’s no need to put a qualifier and there’s no need to&8221;
Just a God
The normal Gods that compose most of the Aesir and the Vanir
"The divinity doesn’t si only when you raise great a is made The top ranked warrior has to nar paused for a moment and took a breath He looked to a distant place instead of Tae Ho and continued speaking
"Idun is the Goddess of life and youth Thor-nim is the Goddess of thunder and Freya-niic and beauty A deity suitable to the strong divinity tends to be added&8221;
A qualifier that gets added to your divinity
The name that represents the divinity of a God
"A real top ranked warrior is a warrior that has a deity and their divinity is at least at the intermediate rank&8221;
It was the most decisive factor why differences existed between top ranked warriors
"If you corains of sand in a sandbox, the top ranked warriors are only a few grains that can cliain, only a minority can become a real top ranked warrior and obtain a deity&8221;
Back in the days before the Great War, that there was comparatively more top ranked warriors, the number of top ranked warriors that possessed a deity could only be counted on one hand