Page 22 (1/2)
Mason stood behind ainst the kitchen counter with one foot crossed idly over the other He looked relaxed and carefree, but everything in me went on alert The hairs on the back ofbesides relaxed
When he didn’t say anything,to be? Fine I reached inside and pulled out sonore him or, at least, not let him bother me anymore than he already had My sto the kitchen until I got one
An arm reached around ainst his chest as Mason reached for the water pitcher He caughtback into him with one hand on my arm I held my breath as he held ed in relief Then ers deftly plucked out the to board and a knife to start on the lettuce, Mason placed a glass of water into ed me over with his hip Then he picked up the knife and I watched in almost sick fascination as he started to cut the lettuce and toed all of them with the meat between two slices of bread
He put the sandwich on a plate and pushed it into my other hand
I stood there, water in ht My mouth was open I knew I needed to close it, but I couldn’t
He reached into a corner cabinet and pulled out some rum After he mixed himself a drink, he sat at the kitchen table and kicked out a chair forit
He leaned back and sipped his drink It was early in theso the sunrise peaked into the rooh the s and then the air conditioner kicked in We could barely hear the party still going strong outside
He raked a hand over his face "They’re going to be out there all weekend"
I didn’t hide the grian said you went down there"
I gulped down half of my water "You went to see your mom?"
He jerked a shoulder up "It’s not her fault my dad’s a prick I’d want to know"
"She didn’t know?"
He gave rin I’d ever received from him It was a soft and I knew it had more to do with his mom than me "They divorced last year and haven’t talked since James probably didn’t feel she orthy of this information"
My eyes ide I couldn’t stop the, I shoved the sandwich in littered in thehtened
My sto burst in my body I shifted, uncomfortable, on the seat I shouldn’t be there I shouldn’t be hearing this, talking to hiht When a full blown alarm started to sound in my head, he shoved back his chair and stood
He took lass to the sink As he passed, he tapped ot soone
It was like he’d never been there I still sat at the kitchen table