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Broken and Screwed Tijan 14290K 2023-09-02

"Oh, god" The disgust was evident with Jesse, but he lifted ain This time, he propped entled "Hey, hey Co, Alex"

His desperation did the deed and I sed all the pain away He neededit, but I knew that Jesse was on the verge as well He neededone now My hand slipped into his as I took gulping breaths to stuff uy looked like hiuys that looked like Ethan, but then I looked at hi ie of him How could this be? How could there be another Ethan in the world?

"Hey, hey" Jesse sat me up even more and ran his hand up and down my back in a brisk motion "Coulped for ie?"

I shook nored the with it But I couldn’t look away frout And then someone reached inside of me, took hold ofin a stranger’s hands and I was staring at it The treain, but lifted me in his arms


"This is enough" The resolve on his face made me pause It was set and determined He was tired, hell, he was exhausted And then he carried me into the bathroom, turned the shower on full blast, and dumped me into the tub

I screaht ht of cold water I couldn’t look away There was a fevered deterh It was ti centered intiht then I felt hiasped for more breath The water was so damn cold

Jesse’s eyes blinked rapidly His set face faltered for a second I knew he felt him too But then his impassive mask slipped back into place His eyes bored ainst the doorframe His captain was behind him with an expression akin to terror and amazement on his face

I rasped out, "He’s here"

Jesse nodded The as back in place I couldn’t reach him, but I wanted to I needed to

As I stood in the tub with the cold water beating down on h s Ethan was dead, but his memory felt so alive I jerked my eyes to Jesse’s captain He paled, but he didn’t look away Then I held ely

Jesse moved aside and Reed stepped forward He shookto sink in, but I said through rattling teeth, "Thank you It’s nice to meet you"