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Unforgettable Melody Grace 14940K 2023-09-02

But like one forever now Even if I were to return to that kitchen and follow her recipes to the letter, it still wouldn’t bring her back

So should I keep those memories alive, or just try to move on?

As the week continues, the question of Rose Cottage is quickly buried under the weight of case work and legal briefs fro until late at night, I barely have tion and loopholes But every night when I dragon the bureau--and the set of keys beside it

By Friday, I’h, until our boss, Kelvin Harper, co into the law library where Lexi and I have been holed up, researching the case The hedge fund client has filed a lawsuit against their old eht before a multi-million dollar bonus payout The cootiations broke down, and noe’re all knee-deep in depositions and documents before the trial next week

"Where are we on precedent?" Harper demands loudly

"Only e’ve already found," I offer The table is covered with papers and books, but there’s nothing new: this case has been dragging out in negotiations forever Both parties see evidence, ould have seen it by now

"What about the online research?" Harper snaps his fingers ies of everyone at the company"

I blink He didn’t tell us that at all

"Everyone?" Lexi ventures nervously "That’s over a thousand people in the US offices alone"

"And?" he whirls on her angrily I quickly speak up

"And opening up that line of evidence could be just as da up the client’s Instagrah to show hi thousand-dollar cha like the worst kind of rich asshole If I was on the jury, I wouldn’t care if this guysuch a good job of blowing the fortune he does have