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He tastes like sugar cookies and frosting, his lips as burning hot as the ice pressed against ic weekend lasts forever



After ice skating, I take her to the cafe, Serendipity 3, from that movie she loves Even with the streets deserted, there’s a line ten-deep waiting for a table

Sophie’s face falls "We can go to soot her heart set on this particularof frozen hot chocolate at this particular cafe

"Wait here, letin line and Iher lad sonizes me: the woman’s eyes widen, and she flushes with excite fan"


I lean over the desk and drop ," I tell her, "rab a table Is there any way at all you could squeeze us in?"

She bites her lip "I don’t know…" she checks the line behind us, full of eager tourists all jostling for a spot

"For uys are just leaving" She nods to a table in the corner "I can fit you in if you’re quick"

"You’re an angel," I smile "Here, write down your details, and I’ll hook you up with sohtens "That would be so cool I would just die if I got to meet Dex--" She catches herself "I h "I’ll have hiive you a call, how about that?"

She practically swoons right there behind the desk Mission accomplished, I beckon Sophie over "They found our reservation, sweetie," I say loudly, when the uilty for a low on Sophie’s face as we head to our table makes it all hile

"Put his bill on my tab," I tell the hostess quietly "In fact, everyone we just skipped I’ll take care of it all"

"Of course," she nods eagerly "Anything else?"

"We’re set, thank you"