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Gwenvael winced "I understand how that could upset you, Dagrandes all over the Southlands as human and no one ever knew"

She pointed at the letter and continued to sob

"Dag alive and safe and wants to talk to my mother about an alliance to help him overthrow his father"

When she continued to cry, he went on, "This is standard political crap I don’t understand why you’re so upset"

Sing back her tears, "We both know this"--she pointed at the parchment in his hand--"is, excuse my father’s term, elk shit We both know he doesn’t simply want et this ridiculous letter into the Dragon Queen’s hands"


"Which means he really wants me there for another reason Once I’ to benefit him"

"Probably true … so?"

"And normally, I would jump at the chance To travel into the Southlands To ot with you"

"That was an excellent deal"

"Normally, I’d lie and connive and do whatever necessary to an to flow "But that thing …"

"Thing? What thing?"

"That thing … in one’s head … that tells you when so to do It won’t let h level of annoyance, Gwenvael carefully asked, "Do you mean your … conscience?"

Her tears turned into hysterical sobs, and she went down on her side, her head dropping into his lap

"Dagmar! Everyone has a conscience"

"I don’t!"

"Of course you do"

"I’m a politician, Gwenvael! Of course, I don’t have a conscience At least I didn’t Now I’m cursed with one And it’s your fault!"

Somehow he knew that last bit would happen