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The poor woman who’d ended up trapped in the stacks with that horrid warrior His type thought they could get anything they wanted by taking it--and often they could But the brute underestimated Yrjan’s order They si their sacred books!

Yet there was nothing to do about it now Instead he was asked to soothe the young wo She appeared so stricken by that ani and, like Yrjan and his order, most likely spent the majority of her time in the safety of books She wore small, round spectacles, as did many of his library brethren, and the unadorned wardrobe of a true scholar Yrjan was sure the brute had targeted her as he would a small deer or elk

"You’re quite safe now,a cup of hot tea in her hands "I can call the city guards, if you’d like"

"No Please don’t It’s unnecessary I’uards were not h his order did have some influence with them But he wouldn’t push if she’d prefer it

"You can stay here as long as you’d like, my lady and--"

"Actually, Brother, I came here for a reason" She placed her untouched tea onto the table and looked at him "I need your help, if possible"

"If it’s in my power, I’ll do what I can"

"I a confident The different Northland and Southland orders ofhis several areas of expertise "I actually know most of the orders Which one do you search for?"

"The Order of the Warhareat order We have many of their books and docuet you peret in contact with the Order itself I was told their et directions"

Yrjan blinked in surprise and leaned back in his chair

"Is so?" she asked

"My lady … the Order of the Warhahtfully "What are you talking about?"

"They were destroyed"

Her hand flew to her chest, her eyes widening in horror behind her spectacles She looked absolutely devastated by the news "No! That’s not possible!"

"I’m sorry, my lady, but it’s true The books and papers we have are all that’s left of thenar?"

He shook his head "I’ve never heard of Brother Ragnar"

"You must have He’s one of the leaders of the Order"

"Brother Ölver was leader at the time of their destruction, my lady" She looked so distressed that Yrjan placed his hand on top of her gloved one "Perhaps you have the naod based orders and I’m sure--"

Her eyes suddenly locked on his, and Yrjan felt a fear he’d not known since he left his father’s house to join the Order