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"You have never shown any desire to be a mother before"
"Hoould you know that? You have never expended any effort to askher saucer and cup to the table before asking, "So you do wish to have children?"
"I believe most women have that desire I aood to hear," ca at the woman across from her, Isabel attempted to collect her aim There was one, if only she could puzzle it out
"Isabel" The sound of her favorite raspy voice soothed her iht smile to face Gray as he entered His hair indblown and his cheeks flushed, the handsoht so Now, looking at him with all the love she possessed, she was rendered breathless by the sight of hiave birth to their sixth child today" He held out both hands to her, and then pulled her to her feet "A sht out to provideof a celebration is happening in the village and I would dearly love to take you there"
"Yes, yes" Her excite in response to his affectionate squeeze
"May I co
"I doubt it would be soaze away froed "But I have no objection"
"A moment to refresh, if you would, please," Isabel asked softly
"Take all the tiht around It is a short distance, but neither of you are dressed for the walk"
Isabel left the rooan to follow her when his ress
"Hoill you know if the children she bears are truly yours?"
Gerard stilled, then turned slowly about "What the devil are you talking about?"
"You don’t honestly believe she will be faithful to you, do you? When she increases, the whole of society onder who the father is"
He sighed Would his h alone? "Since Isabel will never beconant, your distasteful scenario will never co your pardon?"
"You heard me clearly the first time After what happened to Eh that ordeal again? Michael or Spencer’s eldest male issue will inherit I will not risk Isabel when there is no dire need to"
She blinked, and then broke out in a broad grin "I see"
"I hope you do" Shaking a finger at her, he narrowed his gaze and said, "Do not think to bla I have made the decision"
His mother nodded with unusual docility "I understand coain and strode to the door "We shall be departing shortly If you want to come, be ready"
"Never fear, Grayson," she called after him "I would not miss this for the world"
"Celebration" was an apt description for the merry crowd that filled the lawn before the vicar’s se trees gathered a few dozen dancing and loudly conversing villagers, and one bea vicar
Isabel could not help but offer a wide se in welco her to the boisterous group, and she was greeted with great exciteled He spoke at length with the gentle part of the stone wall, and deepened their regard with his ability to recall the nahbors He lifted sroup of s their pretty hair ribbons
All the while, Isabel basked in his charm from afar and fell so deeply in love, she ached all over with it Her chest grew tight, and her heart clenched The innocent infatuation she had felt for Pelha compared to the mature joy she found with Grayson
"His father had the saer said beside her "My other sons do not display it in quite the same measure and I am afraid their wives will dilute the trait further A pity it will not be passed down from Grayson, who has it in such abundance"
Shielded by her enjoyed off the usual irritation she felt with the dowager "Who can foretell what traits a child will bear when it has yet to be conceived?"
"Since Grayson assured et issue off you, I think it’s safe to say that he will not be passing along any traits at all"
Isabel glanced aside at her mother-in-law With her once pretty features shielded by the brin to the liness hidden beneath the façade But that underlying rot was all Isabel could see
"What are you talking about?" she snapped, turning to face her antagonist head-on She could take poorly veiled barbs, but pure undiluted venom was too much
"I offered my felicitations to Grayson on his decision to dedicate hier’s chin lowered, shielding her eyes, but still revealing the s curve to her thin lips "He was quick to assure me that Emily is the only woman ould ever carry a child of his He loved her, and she is irreplaceable"
Isabel’s stomach roiled at the sudden re back, she found she couldn’t recall a ti to have children with her Even last night, he had avoided the subject rather than address it, stressing that his brothers would see to the task of begetting an heir "You lie"
"Why would I lie about soer asked with mock innocence "Truly, Isabel, you two are the most mismatched pair Of course, if you can put aside any desire for children of your own and live with the knowledge that Grayson’s heir will be the product of another wo with some semblance of contentment"
Isabel’s hands clenched into fists, and she fought the urge to hiss and scratch like a furious cat Or cry She couldn’t decide which But she knew either response would only give the dowager an advantage So she reat pleasure in proving you wrong"
Moving a short distance away, she rounded the trunk of a large tree There, safe froh bark, heedless of the dirt and possible daether and took deep breaths She could not appear less than fully co inside her that told her to have faith, to believe that she was good enough for Grayson, to trust that he cared for her and wanted her happiness, there was still the voice inside her that re
As Grayson stepped beneath the shade of the tree, she aze "Yes,closer "You look pale"
She waved her hand carelessly "YourA ainrumble in his throat soothed her, the sound of a man ready to defend his mate "What did she say to you?"
"Lies, lies, and er estranged, and we share the sa she could wound me as the topic of children"
Gray tensed visibly, so she noted with a flare of unease
"What about children?" he asked gruffly
"She clai for a long while and then winced Her heart stopped, and then caught in her throat