Page 31 (1/2)
"We have been sent to find you," Lord Hammond said with a tentative smile
After a quick perusal of her companion reassured her of the viscountess’ renewed corateful to return to the rets could be ravel alerted Rhys to the approaching figure If he’d had any doubt that he was ht decision, it was dispelled when Abby ca of his heart and nearly overwhel need to crush her to him proved Bella’s words true--Abby was the person he wished to make his life’s journey with
"I went to your rooms," she said softly, as direct as always
How he adored that about her! After a lifeti equally worthless discourse in return it was a joy to spend time with a woman who had no social artifice at all
"I suspected you would," he replied gruffly, backing up when she stepped forward The color of her eyes was not visible in the near darkness, but he knew it as well as he knew the color of his own He kne they darkened when he filled her, and how they glistened when she laughed He knew every ink stain on her fingers, and could tell her which ones hadn’t been there the last time he saw her "And I knew that if you did, I would take you to bed"
She nodded her understanding "You are departing tomorrow"
"I must"
The deterail like a rapier thrust
"I shall h the words themselves were the truth, the casual tone she used to iht of the endless days before her without Rhys’ touch and his hunger, was devastating Even having known it would end like this, she was still unprepared for the pain of separation
"I will come back for you as soon as possible," he said softly
Her heart stilled before leaping "Beg your pardon?"
"I travel to visit my father tomorroill explain the situation between you and me, and then I will return to London and court you as I should have done fro"
The situation
"Oh my" Abby walked slowly over to a nearby ers The moment Grayson’s voice had interrupted their kiss, she had dreaded this result What had been nothing but joy and love for her, was now a lifetime duty for Rhys She could not allow hi how obviously he resented his craving for her
She looked at hireed to approach our affair pragmatically"
He frowned "If you think I have done anything prag you, you are daft"
"You knohat I ued gruffly
"Not for esture and clasped then of weakness and he would note it "Surely Lord and Lady Grayson will afford you their discretion if you ask it of them"
"Of course" He crossed his ar?"
"I don’t want to be courted, Rhys"
He gaped at her "Why the devil not?"
She affected a shrug "We had an agreement I am not inclined to alter the rules at this point"
"Alter the rules…?"
"I enjoyed our tirateful to you"
"Grateful?" Rhys parroted, staring at Abby in confounded wonder He longed to go to her, to hold her and break through the wall that was suddenly between theerous Ravishment was a very real hazard
"Yes, quite" Her s of beauty that shattered him
"Abby, I--"
"Please Say noto her feet, she approached hiertips over his tense arh the velvet of his coat "I will forever count you as a dear friend"
"A friend?" He blinked furiously as his eyes burned Releasing his breath, Rhys soaked up the sight of her--the tightly coiled dark tresses, the high waist of her pale green gown, the gentle swell of her breasts above the scooped neckline All his Nothing, not even her outrageous dismissal, would ever convince him otherwise
"Always Will you promise me a dance when next we meet?"
Rhys sed hard There were a hundred things he wished to say, questions to ask, assurances to give…but they were all dam in love, while Abby hadinto bed? He refused to believe that No woman coulddeeper than friendship
A harsh laugh erupted without thought If that wasn’t a perfect comeuppance for a seasoned rake, he had no notion as
"Farewell until then," Abby said, before turning and walking aith undue haste
Crushed and confused, Rhys sank onto the bench still warm from her body heat and dropped his head in his hands
A plan He needed a plan This could not be the end Every labored breath protested the loss of his love There was soh to discover it He had been with enough women to know that Abby cared for him If what she felt wasn’t love, surely there was a way to make it turn into love If Isabel could be swayed, so surely could Abigail
Lost in the process of thinking while fighting abject despair, he failed to register his lack of privacy until Grayson stu leaves in his hair, the Marquess of Grayson was an odd sight
"What are you about?" Rhys arden I cannot find one red rose? There are pink roses and white roses, even an orange shade of rose, but no true red"
Running his hands through his hair, Rhys shook his head "Is this part of your wooing of Isabel?"
"Who else would I be doing this for?" Grayson heaved out his breath "Why could your sister not be the practical sort I thought she was?"
"I have discovered that practicality in woly overappreciated"