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"While I was in town, I picked up a few clothes for you I made sure they’re yellow"

"Thank you"


Her voice ht you loved Marcie" The words were as sarcastic and belittling as she couldenough for Lorraine to regret her outburst

"When did I say anything about Marcie?" The question was soft, close to her ear He stood directly behind her and she squeezed her eyes shut to keep froht I was her during the fever" She’d never asked him about Marcie Nor had he asked her about Gary after that one night Whoever Marcie was, Lorraine knew she’d been special

"Did I mention anyone else?"

"No," she answered coldly

"Catherina’s…an old lover"

"So I gathered" She reached for the bundle of clothes and hugged it against her stomach

"Lorraine, it’s not the way it see to me Your love life is none of ht, I don’t and it’s not--but I want to tell you I loved Marcie, really loved her, but she et Not long afterward, Iher ears She didn’t want to hear about his past lovers, not when she loved hireement we parted teeks later" His tone was matter-of-fact, dispassionate

"It’s none of " Averting her eyes, she concentrated on unfolding the clothes and found she was pleased with his choices He’d bought her a bright yellow peasant blouse with a scooped neckline and a ht youCatherina in a dress"

"Thank you," she said again He’d even remembered shoes, a pair of rope and canvas espadrilles

"I talked to your father, too"

"Good idea," she said, thankful he hadn’t expected her to speak to Tho; she could feel it already In a couple of days she’d be on her way back to Louisville Soon their tiether would be littletoo fast

"My name will be cleared?"

"Yes Apparently when the first half of the Kukulcan Star was found and returned, they recognized that it was unlikely you’d been involved, considering when--and how--it was heisted Applebee used you And seeing that you now have the second half and you’re surrendering it to the authorities, all is forgiven"

Once again she rerateful this whole experience was co to an end

"There’sat sea all this time ould’ve heard the news"

"What news?"

"Apparently the Kukulcan Star was discovered at an archaeological site One of the Mayan teist who found it was murdered before he could hand it over to the Department of Antiquities"

"When did this happen?"

"A few days before you got to Mexico And the uard was critically injured in that robbery But they didn’t find the archaeologist’s body until last week"

"You don’t need to tell me who the suspect is," Lorraine murmured She already knew the police were interested in Jason And he’d told her hi He’d told her so another worker to explain his injured hand Another lie she’d been naive enough to believe… He’d ed to obtain both halves of the Kukulcan Star--and then he’d passed them off to her

"What about Jason?" she asked "Where do you think he is?"

"With half of Mexico on his tail, one, Lorraine mused Like she would be herself "By this time tomorrow I’ll be free to return to the United States"

"So it seems"

Jack went quiet, as if he, too, had suddenly realized the implications of all that was about to take place

"Within aa joke One that fell decidedly flat She turned her back to hi coffee

"I’ll remember" All at once he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders "I’ll rele ht, funny, but her words were more like a whimper

He increased the pressure on her shoulders "I won’t forget I swear it" His voice was husky with emotion

Lorraine closed her eyes and leaned back against his chest "I…I’et, either"

"Promise me," he deether like that for a long tih, in any event, to feel his love, its certainty, and yearn to share hers

Lorraine didn’t dare speak She knew the instant she opened her mouth she’d reveal the truth But she couldn’t do that yet, couldn’t tell hi But not now Not when so many situations were still unresolved Gary, her father, her problems with the Mexican police… She needed a clear head Distance Tiave this man her heart Because when she did, it would be forever