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Isolation is the sum total of wretchedness to a man

—Thomas Carlyle

Peyton Adams eyed the three men who’d driven to the public library with her from the prison, as well as the two they’d secretly come to meet She knehat she had to say wouldn’t be popular, especially with the warden, as growing desperate enough to try anything, but she felt duty-bound to express her opinion “I say no It’s too risky Maybe if we put hi Unit we could protect hieneral population No way”

Si to save, sat across the conference table and hardly seeree?” she said when he narrowed his ice-blue eyes

“I’n here,” he said

An employee of Department 6, a company she’d never heard of but which was apparently a private security contractor out of LA, he looked as tough as any in corrections Sohborhood of six feet four inches tall and two hundred and twenty-five pounds, he could’ve been hewn out of stone With biceps and pecs that bulged beneath his carefully ironed dress shirt, and his blond hair shaved in a preciseappearance But it would take a lot more than muscle and a malevolent stare to survive inside Pelican Bay if he happened to spook the wrong inmate

“I don’t think you understand what it’s like” She nify the prison, even though it was eighton such a cold January day

It was plain that he wanted to argue hat she’d said but, for whatever reason, he leashed the i up for the final salvo Rick Wallace, an associate director at the California Departht hiument instead

“I knoe’re proposing is unprecedented, but the proble’s got to be done The director is determined to uncover and prosecute whoever’s responsible for e Garcia” Forever conscious of his appearance, he straightened his expensive yet conservative tie “Secretary Hinckley and the governor are both behind him on this What with various newspapers around the state taking up the cry that Pelican Bay is a headquarters for gang violence, we’ve got to act and act decisively” A heavy-looking gold ring flashed as he motioned to Sih he’s in the private sector, he’s been working in the criive him a shot”

The tranquility of the library seereat that he has some experience at—where did you say?—this Depart he’s done in the past could prepare him for this Besides, do you think he can handle the job alone?”