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Just you andher wrists, but his hands lingered on her skin, his flesh cool against her oar the connection that seeer it went on Through her blissful fog, Lily was suddenly very aware of his nearness, of the intense focus that was now entirely on her

It seeiven her shift shape and for deep in the recesses of her consciousness wanted to struggle, but Lily turned away froaze The horrors of the night fell away, leaving nothing but the hter, and desire twisted into a pleasurable little knot deep in her belly

Long, elegant fingers caressed her hands, and an errant thu shivers of sensation up her arrew shallow as Ty’s hands slid up to her elbows, cupping the forward as sy he seemed to radiate, the wild scent of hi, seductive sound hein to ht on a gasp astighter andher throb

She hadher name like a prayer "Just a taste One taste, and noa promise not to her but to hi his lean, rangy body against her own, and Lily could no ht than she could push hiainst the mattress in one swift, fluid movement Then her arms, the only barrier between theainst a forned to mold perfectly with her own One of Ty’s hands skith of her, and she arched beneath his touch In this moment, it seemed pointless to deny the connection between them All Lily could do, all she wanted to do, was revel in it

His hand returned to cup one aching breast as Ty rose above her for a breathless second, the lips she had iined countless times but never tasted barely an inch fro in the dark, were beautiful, burning…

Then he plunged in, taking herinto Lily until thought gave way to pure sensation, until she didn’t knohere she ended and Ty began Her body rose beneath him, restless with the need for h her, over her as Ty’s ainst her own He tasted her, tongue rubbing against hers in lazy strokes that deepened as Lily ainst her mouth He sounded as dazed as she felt

Yes, was all she could think as his breathing roughened, as that tight, lean body surgedhith of hiainst the part of her that was now slick and swollen with pure need He pressed his hips into her once, alht on adark and hungry, rear its head

It wanted to bite, to claw, to take To feed

It was like nothing she had ever felt before But it felt good, felt right, to give over to it here in the dark She surged upward against hi Her pulse quickened as she began to lick and nip, catching Ty’s lower lip between her teeth and pulling it before letting go She heard hirowl in response, a sound utterly inhu her on

In Ty, even her darker side had found its h squeeze, then delivering a sharp tweak to the taut bud of her nipple Lily quivered at the pleasure, the bit of pain that only made it sweeter

"Shall I take you there, Lily?" he asked hoarsely "I can feel how close you are… Ah, gods…" He breathed a word she didn’t understand, Gaelic, she assu fro Then Ty rocked his hips into her again, beginning a grinding rhythed She clenched her fists and twisted into hi more than to have her hands on hian to build deep inside her, pulsing in time to Ty’s movement as he continued to devour her

His breath, shallow and catching, only incited her His head dropped forward on a rawthat had ever existed outside of this The fact that she was at his ave her a dark thrill that would have shocked her had she been able to do e that in a way, he was just as much at hers

She wanted him buried inside of her, wanted to put her hands on hihly between theh

She could feel his heart racing, pounding in ti like ahimself with a furious curse onto the other side of the bed with a force hard enough to nearly send Lily bouncing off her own side The rusty old bedsprings squeaked in protest, but Ty said nothing All she could hear was his ragged breathing And all the lovely oblivion of Ty’s gift, the re but pleasure and the immediacy of the moment, vanished A hollow and insistent ache was all that remained in its wake Soon, it was accoo, opened up

And he had rejected her

Outside, the sun was doubtless on its way up into the sky, the world growing light But in here, it was time for the vampire to sleep And despite the toxic swirl of e inside of her, Lily decided she’d be da to her about what had just happened Her head was still spinning, and she ached in places she wasn’t even aware could ache froy Half of her wanted to punch hie, and nevershe’d been

The other half of her was seriously considering crawling over there and having her ith hihtened her, the half she was trying very hard to ignore But Lily had seen, without a doubt, that she wasn’t alone in this odd bond she felt with hi in the dark