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Ronald and Jaed evil looks and turned to face her

Winky must have realized she was out-nun of the cross with the theuys! Seriously!" She backed up until her legs ran into a desk

They ignored her pleas, going after her to give her a few smacks on the butt with their slippers, while she cowered behind her ar to protect her face Gretchen and Bianca joined the fray, encouraging Winky to fight back She ca her slippers around like a ninja with nun-chucks

I decided I was better off leaving the rooed Bodo out with o hide"

"I just don’t want to get hit Let’s keep exploring"

We found three e rooms with various supplies in them, but the one at the end of this section of hallith the heaviest door and most complicated locks was the jackpot

"Holy cannolis," I said, sweepingin all the rows and rows of rifles and handguns There were even souns htmare

"I guess we don’t have to worry about da guns any his hand up the side of one of theularly," I said, wandering down the aisle, looking at all the rows of firepower "There’s even sas"

"Dis is pepper spray," said Bodo, holding up a cannister "Dare’s boxes of de his hand "Coo show the others"

"Not so fast," he said, pulling ainst him "All dis stuff ently on the mouth

"I’m not sure whether to be turned on or worried, Bodo," I said, staring at hisany Before I could protest he kissed ain, only this ti both hands on ainstsince we’d had any private tiether, and I’d replayed our few intimate moments over and over in my mind until I had them like a ht But nothing co excite ainst hishis hand upmy breast

I tried not to be embarrassed about what I wanted to do with him now, even with our friends just down the hall He made me want to tear both our clothes off andbut his body and how it felt to be with hiet to?" said Ja it," said Winky

"Shut up, Winky!" laughed Gretchen "How old are you, anyway?"

I pulled away fro to neaten it up I smoothed my wrinkled shirt down and pulleduns!" I looked down and noticed a bulge in Bodo’s shorts "Turn around!" I whispered "Geez!"

"What?" he said, looking down at himself "Dat’s normal Dat’s not a proble atmy discomfort

"Yes! Now turn around and act busy!"

Bodo did as I asked, picking a gun up off the rack and sighting down the barrel, ai away from our friends

I stepped towards the entrance toout of the hallway and into the roo in here?" asked Winky, her voice full of suggestion

"Holy you-knohat," said Jauns?"

"Crazy," said Ronald, shaking his head "We won’t need to find guns ever again"

"Where’s the ammo?" asked Bianca "Guns don’tto locked cabinets lining the side of the rooas or smoke bombs, I’m not sure which, pepper spray, pistols, rifles, you na you need to quell a riot They even have shields and bullet proof vests and heluess we’re all set, then," said Ronald He walked over to the door "Anyone else ready to head back?"

We followed him to the door

"Should we take any of this with us?" asked Gretchen

"If you want," I said "Couldn’t hurt"

I alking out the door when I heard a rifle being cocked and Gretchen’s voice behind ht there Before I blow a hole in your back"

My heart plummeted and I froze in place with all my friends in the doorway I putto see a couple of lunatic canners who’d pretended to be girls in distress, ready now to fillthere, both of the dead serious For about five seconds they stayed that way before they both collapsed in giggles, falling into each other and crossing their legs

"Ohshit, ohshit, ohshit," said Bianca, laughing hysterically "I’onna pee myself!"

"That was … that was … aaahhhh, God, that eso like athere, didn’t we?" Tears were coh of relief and put ive me a slipper"

Winky slapped one inabout five minutes to beat the crap out of thehed the entire time

We made our way back to the front lobby, all of us exhausted from the immediate overdose of adrenaline caused by canner-fakers, followed by the hysterical laughter associated with a sound slipper beating We’d alotten to the lobby when the door burst open and Jenny cah

Gretchen and Bianca ran ahead to catch her as she fell, dropping their rifles in the process

"What’s wrong, Jenny?" asked Bianca

"You have to come Quickly," she said, totally out of breath

We all rushed down the hallway, going as fast as we possibly could Ja it open for all of us to run through My s that could have inspired Jenny to get up and run as fast as she apparently had Canners? Sweepers? Murderers? I rounded the corner and my eyes fell on Peter He was crouched down by the lobby desk, using the bushes outside as his shield

He saw er to his lips and pointed out the front s