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"Metaphor for…" Mat scowled "Bloody ashes, wo! It’s just boots"
Setalle shook her head "You’re an unconventionally wisefor the pitcher of mulled cider "To be unconventional, I mean" He poured a cup and lifted it in her direction She accepted graciously and drank, then stood "I will leave you to your own aress on that gateway for me…"
"Elayne said she would have one for you soon In a day or two Once I’m back from the errand I have to run with Tho If he did not return from that "errand," she would see to Olver She turned to leave Mat waited until she was gone before taking a slurp of the cider straight froured she would probably rather not know It was the sort of thing wo about
He turned back to his reports, but soon found histo the Tower of Ghenjei, and those bloody snakes and foxes Birgitte’s co Twothose hallways? That was abowl of worry, served up like afternoon slop Beyond that, she had taken fire, inal an idea
He was not surprised Likely, the day the Light made the very first man, and that ht to break it People like Elayne et around the stupid rules
Unfortunately, Birgitte--one of the legendary Heroes of the Horn--had not been able to defeat the Aelfinn and Eelfinn That was disconcerting
Well, Mat had sohtfully, leaning back in his chair One of his soldiers passed by Clintock saluted; the Redarotten over the shaholaain, feeling it over in his fingers The worn corners, the sainst the wood
Then he tossed it onto the desk No No, he was not going to open it, even when he got back That was that He would never knoas in it, and he bloody did not care
He stood up and went looking for Thom and Noal Tomorrow, they would leave for the Tower of Ghenjei
Chapter 53
Pevara kept her tongue as she walked through the village of the Black Toith Javindhra and Mazrih the place There was always activity in the Black Tower Soldiers felling trees nearby; Dedicated stripping the bark away, then slicing the logs into lumber with focused jets of Air Sawdust coated the path; with a chill, Pevara realized that the stack of boards nearby had probably been cut by Asha’ht! She’d knohat she’d find here It was much harder to face than she’d assu with one hand folded--fingersa fist--behind his back With his other hand, he pointed toward a distant, part-finished wall of black stone "Guard posts spaced at fifty-foot intervals Each with two Asha’man atop thenable"
"Yes indeed," Javindhra said "Impressive" Her tone was flat and uninterested "But the item I wished to speak with you about If we could choose ain?" Taim said He had fire in his eyes, this Mazrih, Saldaean cheekbones He smiled Or the closest he came to such an expression--a half-smile that did not reach his eyes It looked…predatory "I have made my will known And yet you continue to push No Soldiers and Dedicated only"