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"Light, Mat," Perrin said "It seems like it’s been forever!"

"A lifetime," Mat said "Maybe two I lose count Anyway, Caeured the only way to get in a word of welcoateway and find you before everyone else" Mat picked up his spear and rested it on his shoulder, blade to the back

"What have you been doing? Where have you been? Is Thom with you? What about Nynaeve?"

"So many questions," Mat said "How safe is this cah," Mat grew soleerous folks after us I came because I wanted to warn you to take extra care Assassins will find you soon enough, and you’d best be ready for them We need to catch up But I don’t want to do it here"

"Where, then?"

"Meet , in Cae to borrow one of those black-coated fellows of yours for a few shakes Need a gateway"

"For what purpose?"

"I’ll explain But later" Mat tipped his hat, turning to jog back toward the still-open gateway to Cae backward for a moment "Be careful, Perrin"

With that, he ducked past a few refugees and through the gateway How had he gotten past Grady? Light! Perrin shook his head to hier Mat had captured

Chapter 45

A Reunion

Elayne woke in her bed, bleary-eyed "Egwene?" she said, disoriented "What?"

The lastlike honey consuwene’s words rewene had sent Your brother’s return was tie of relief She had spent the entire night trying to channel enough to real work, to no avail When she’d found out that Birgitte had turned away Gahile Elayne sat inside, furious but unable to attend the wene--she’d been livid

Well, Mesaana had been defeated, it seemed And as that about her brother? She swene had worked out their probleh the drapes Elayne sat back, feeling the powerful warht, but that was a wonderful sensation Theit, the cloud cover around Andor had broken

It had been about a week since the testing of the dragons, and she’d put all of the bellfounders in her nation to work on creating them These days, one could hear a steady sound in Cae booms as members of the Band trained with the weapons in the hills outside of the city So far, she had let only a few of the weapons be used for training; the different teaer nu