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"Oh, Light," the young ht I was dead Dead…"

His side was cut open Perrin knelt hastily, lifting the boy’s head, giving hi he carried and used it to wrap the wound That cut was bad The unfortunate youth would die for certain He--

No, Galad realized We have Aes Sedai It was hard to get used to thinking that way

Jeru to Perrin’s arm The boy looked delusional He didn’t seeolden eyes

"Drink, son," Perrin said, voice soothing Kindly "It’s all right We found you You’re going to be fine"

"It seemed like I yelled for hours," the youth said "But I was so weak, and they were on top of ood ears," Perrin said He nodded to Galad, and together they lifted the youth, Perrin beneath the ars They carefully carried hi, consciousness slipping

At the side of the battlefield, the Aes Sedai and Aiel Wise Ones were Healing the wounded As Galad and Perrin arrived, a light-haired Wise One--a woman who looked not a day older than Galad, but spoke with the authority of an agedthe lad as she reached out to touch his head

"Do you give perone to speak for himself"

Galad had insisted that each Child be given the choice to refuse Healing, regardless of the nature of their wound The Aes Sedai and Wise Ones hadn’t liked it, but Perrin had repeated the order They seemed to listen to him Odd Galad had rarely met Aes Sedai ould listen to the orders, or even opinions, of a man

"Yes," Galad said "Heal him"

The Wise One turned to her work Most Children had refused Healing, though soed theirsteadied, his wound closing The Wise One didn’t Heal hih that he’d survive the day When she opened her eyes, she looked haggard, even ht all night, followed by perfors Galad and Perrin moved back onto the field They weren’t the only ones searching for wounded, of course Perrin hione back to camp to rest But he hadn’t

"I can offer you another option," Perrin said as they walked "As opposed to staying here, in Ghealdan, weeks froht"

"My o if you ordered theside Aes Sedai Well, I don’t see anything different between that and this Come with me"

"You’d let us join you, then?"

Perrin nodded "I’d need an oath froh"

"What manner of oath?"