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No Elayne and Nynaeve had done their best, and had been under unusual strain Besides, bargaining with the Sea Folk was said to be only one step safer than bargaining with the Dark One hih her blouse changed colors several ti on cri "Very well We are indebted to you for the gift of this place, and will agree to your hospitality" She sat down in a chair apart frowene and the other Aes Sedai, and those with her did as well
Egwene released a soft breath of relief and surant tea The Windfinders juh the Wise Ones didn’t bat an eye Ae the rose-blosso with a much darker cast
"Perhaps you will tell us the purpose of thisher tea The Sea Folk did not pick up theirs, though the Aes Sedai did begin to drink
"We have guessed it already," Shielyn said "This confrontation is inevitable, though I wish to the winds that it were not so"
"Well, speak up, then," Yukiri said "What is it about?"
Shielyn focused on Egwene "Forfrom the Aes Sedai The White Tower inhales, but does not exhale--that which is brought in is never allowed to leave Now that you know of us, you want us, for you cannot stand the thought of worasp"
The Aes Sedai frowned Egwene caught Melaine nodding in agreeh only one side of the issue If they’d kno useful White Tower training would be, and how important it was for the people to know that channelers were being cared for and trained…
However, that thinking felt hollow to her The Sea Folk had their own traditions, and ulation frowene hadn’t spent as much time with the Sea Folk as Nynaeve or Elayne, but she’d had detailed reports The Windfinders were unskilled with many weaves, but their abilities with specific weaves--particularly those focusing on Air--were far more advanced than those practiced by Aes Sedai
These women deserved the truth Was that not what the White Tower, and the Three Oaths, stood for? "You are correct, Shielyn din Sabura Night Waters," Egwene said "And your people may have been wise to keep their abilities hidden froasped, a quite un-Aes Sedai reaction Shielyn froze, chain fro softly as the ed to blue "What?"
"You wene said "I would not presuuess the Aument to be made Perhaps we have been overly zealous to control women who can wield the One Power It is obvious that the Windfinders have done well in training themselves I should think that the White Tower could learn wene’s face Egwene met the woman’s eyes and kept her expression calht See that I mean what I say That is not flattery I am Aes Sedai I speak the truth
"Well," Shielyn said "Perhaps we could wene se in that" To the side, the three other Aes Sedai regarded Egith ain the upper hand was to shake expectations like rindwater beetles in a jar