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She had to continue She heard the weeping children Tears in her eyes, heart breaking, she walked to the door
It greorse She left people to be drowned, beheaded and buried alive One of the worst hen she had to forers were consuht red fur and crystalline eyes She hated spiders
So her Though she couldn’t re specific but the number of the weave she was on, she understood--so coh a stone archway,frohty-first weave She reed dress of sackcloth How had she burned it? She stood up straight, holding her head, ar cuts and scratches She was in the Two Rivers Except, it wasn’t the Two Rivers Not as she re
"They’re coain!" a voice yelled Master al’Vere Why was he holding a sword? People she knew, people dear to her--Perrin, Master al’Vere, Mistress al’Donel, Aeric Botteger--stood beside a loall, all holding weapons Some waved to her
"Nynaeve!" Perrin called "Shadon! We need your help!"
Enormous shadows moved on the other side of the wall Shadon of terrible size--not Trollocs, but so far worse She could hear roars
She had to help! She moved toward Perrin, but froze as she saw--across the Green in the other direction--a six-pointed star painted on a hillside
"Nynaeve!" Perrin sounded desperate He began striking at soht black Perrin chopped at them with an axe as one snatched up Aeric and pulled hian to walk toward the star Calm Measured
That was stupid An Aes Sedai had to be calm She knew that But an Aes Sedai also needed to be able to act, to do as needed to help those who needed it It didn’t matter what it cost her personally These people needed her
So she started to run
Even that didn’t feel like enough She ran to get to the star, but still she left people she loved to fight alone She knew she couldn’t channel until she reached the six-pointed star ThatShe had to channel!
She e see like a shield She pushed it aside with difficulty and Power flooded her She began flinging fire at the rabbed for Perrin
Nynaeve continued throwing fire until she reached the six-pointed star There, she wove the eighty-first weave, which created three rings of Fire in the air
She worked furiously, attacking at the sa this weave, but she knew she had to finish it So she increased the strength of the weave, an hurling them at the creatures Massive halos of fla them
There was a six-pointed star on the roof of Master al’Vere’s inn Had it been burned there? Nynaeve ignored it, venting her anger at the things with tentacles
No This is io on
Feeling like an utter coward--but knowing it was the right thing to do--she ran to the inn, passing through the doorway
Nynaeve lay weeping on the ground beside a broken archway She was on the last of the hundred weaves