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There was only one way to make sure that didn’t happen

"So what do we do?" Noal asked

"We’re going to hunt it," Mat said softly, "and we’re going to kill the bloody thing"

Noal and Tho us all the way to the Tower of Ghenjei," Mat said

"But can it be killed, Mat?" Tho can be killed," Mat said "Teslyn proved that she could still hurt it using the One Power, if she was clever We’ll have to do so similar"

"What?" Noal asked

"I don’t know yet," Mat said "I want you two to continue your preparations; get us ready so that we can leave for the Tower of Ghenjei as soon as my oath to Verin will let us Burn ons started I’ll have to write her another letter Stronger, this ti to start sleeping in the city A different inn each night We’ll let the Band know it, so if the gholam listens, it will find out There will be no need for it to attack the men

"You till need to move to the city too Until this is done, until it is dead or I a didn’tin Thom’s and Noal’s eyes Mat had left Tylin behind, and she was dead now He was not going to do the same to Olver

"We’ll have to take the boy with us," Thom said "Either that or send hi earlier," Noal said, rubbing his face with a bony finger "They’re planning to leave Maybe send hirimaced The way Olver leered at wo up by his toes in a day flat Mat was surprised it had not happened already If he ever found out which of the Redar the boy to act that way around woo," Mat said "He’d be out of their sight and back here their first night away"


"We’ll have to take him with us," Mat said "Have him stay at the inns inside the city Maybe that--"

"Matrim Cauthon!" The shrill call cahed, then nodded to the other two and stood up He stepped out of the tent to find that Joline and her Warders had bullied their way through the Redar in His appearance drew her up short

Several of the Redarh, but the men could not be blamed Bloody Aes Sedai would bloody do what they bloody pleased

The wo that Teslyn was not Slender and pretty, she wore a white dress with a deep neckline She often sh that smile becae brown eyes The type of eyes that could suck a man in and try to drown him