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Light! How clever he’s become

She released the True Power and embraced less-wonderful saidar Quickly! She was so unsettled that her eo

She opened a new gateway Aran’gar turned, staring through the walls in the direction of al’Thor "So ar She and Delana had made the weaves of Compulsion

Al’Thor must think Graendal dead If he destroyed the place and those Compulsions remained, al’Thor would know that he’d missed and that Graendal lived

Graendal forar, one for Delana The woasped Graendal tied off the weaves and bound the two in Air

"Graendal?" Aran’gar said, voice panicked "What are you--"

It was coh it, tuht rose behind her She struggled to disli behind was consuateway vanished, leaving Graendal in darkness

She lay, heart beating at a terrible speed, nearly blinded by the glare She’d ateway she could, one that led only a short distance away She lay in the dirty underbrush atop a ridge behind the palace

A wave of wrongness washed over her, a warping in the air, the Pattern itself rippling A balescream, it was called--a moment when creation itself howled in pain

She breathed in and out, tre But she had to see She had to know She rose to her feet, left ankle twisted She hobbled to the treeline and looked down

Natrin’s Barrow--the entire palace--was gone Burned out of the Pattern She couldn’t see al’Thor on his distant ridge, but she knehere he was

"You," she growled "You have becoerous than I assumed"

Hundreds of beautiful hold, dozens of ite the Chosen Gone This was a disaster

No, she thought I live She’d anticipated him, if only by a few moments Noould think she was dead