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Page 36 (1/2)

"Is Coco all right?"

"Lord Diather you came up on the other side So he saved Coco, because the prince had already swu so loudly that they could hear her on shore"

"So Algie saved the dog, rather thanup

"Lady Wrothe wasn’t very pleased And she was very sharp with Lord Hathaway thisopen the curtains to reveal a beautiful sunny"She told him at breakfast--where anyone could hear!--that she’d instructed hi, and he could have had the courtesy to make an effort to follow her directions instead of just staying in the boat"

Kate couldn’t help s

"And then Lord Wrothe said that for his part he was dashed pleased that Di, because he didn’t want to ruin his new boots And then she bonked hi," Kate exclai"

"Lady Wrothe’s maid says it’s always like that in their house They squabble so terrible Until he buys her a ruby, and it’s all over They’re that fond of each other; anyone can tell"

"I suppose I should get up, if Effie wants to pay a visit," Kate said, yawning again

"I’ll just put a wrapper on you and brush out your hair," Rosalie said "She wouldn’t expect you in a proper gown, not after the terrible shock you’ve had Do you feel as if you have a fever, miss? The prince offered to send the castle’s doctor"

"He has his own doctor?" Kate said, swinging her legs out of bed

"Caling "The ‘ship of fools,’ that’s what Mr Berwick calls it Because the duke over there in foreign parts, he tossed out half his court, including the fool hi her face "I’ll have breakfast with Effie, but then I want a bath, Rosalie, and I et dressed I don’t feel in the least bit chilled"

"Youso last night that I thought the bed ht crack in half Please sit down, miss, and I’ll brush out your hair I’ll tie it back with a ribbon for your breakfast with Miss Starck, and then you ht back into bed"

I t was iht adventure to have made them the best of friends She sat down opposite Kate at a s fire (never h the ), and proceeded to give a breathless rendition of what it felt like as the boat dreay in the black, black water, with Kate nowhere to be seen

"We knew then that you were dead ," she said with thrilling e water!"

"Luckily foranother piece of buttered toast She had ridden out, shivering, on a hundred chilly h she didn’t think Effie would understand if she tried to explain her hard-earned immunity

"Lady Wrothe was on her feet," Effie continued, "desperately searching the waters"

"Could you see Coco?"

"She was splashing alongside the boat, paddling really well You should have seen how ser than a kitten with its wet fur Lady Wrothe acted as if her own child had fallen in"