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"I read The Man of Mode last night," Lady Griselda said, bracing herself against the side of the carriage as they turned onto another road
"What did you think?" Gillian asked
"An inspired choice,For you have cast Rafe as Dori-mant, have you not?"
"And his brother, Mr Spenser, as Medley?"
"Dorimant is a rakelike creature, is he not?" Gillian’sto read the play and falling asleep I thought Dorimant a very foolish fellow Are you quite certain that the play is fit for representation, Griselda? It would seeht on our host, if he plays awith three women, if I understood the plot correctly"
But Lady Griselda interrupted her with a char little wave of her hand "Ancilla, dearest, your delicacy is much to be credited These days what provokes innocent enjoyment in the theater is, on closer observation, rather warm indeed But the truth of the ently waved an exquisitely embroidered handkerchief before her unlined face "We eneration What we htful"
Ancilla looked at her for a"What a complete hand you are, Griselda! I’ve known you these twenty years--and may I remind you, my dear, that when I met you I was already married, and you no e, you had all the hallet precisely what she wished I take it that you like the play"
"I think it’s funny," Griselda said, dropping the handkerchief and s at Ancilla "I think it will be enjoyable to see Rate playing Doriht in years"
Gillian thought the look on Rafe’s face when he looked at Ien spoke volumes, but she kept quiet
"Now if you needed another male, and you wishedat Gillian
"Lord Mayne?" Ancilla said "I’ll thank you, no, Griselda The last thing I need, with Gillian’s current situation, is your brother on the premises" She turned to Gillian "Mayne is certainly handsome, my dear, but I’m sure Griselda won’t e"
"All true," Griselda said "But I have hopes for hie his ards the state of ht dent her reputation," Ancilla said "As he has done with so many other women"
"Never with those who are unmarried," Griselda said "But adhs I have high hopes that this will be the season in which he takes a bride He said as much to me, e returned fro to watch," Ancilla said,it absolutely clear that Mayne would throw out his lures toward Gillian over her dead body
Gillian decided to intervene "I have met Lord Mayne, Ma my virtue Lady Griselda, may I ask you to reconsider your refusal to play a role in The Man of Mode}"
Griselda looked as surprised as if she’d been asked to fly into a tree "I? If I rele part for a respectable woman in the play"
"I think you would play the role of Belinda with eclat," Gillian said
"She is the one who tricks her best friend, steals the wo him to the country miss in the end?"
Gillian nodded