Page 35 (1/2)
Ben dropped his head against the back of the booth and yawned, while Dante answered, "No, thank you Just the check, please"
He was exhausted He hadn’t realized how tired he was until the food settled Ben needed sleep and he needed it badly but the thought of closing his eyes, of opening himself up to the memories made him sweat
The waitress returned with the check and Dante reached for it Benon top of his own Ben needed to be the one to pay for this He wasn’t sure why but he did "Please," Ben asked
Dante didn’t "
Ben shrugged "I do what I can"
"Come home with me You’ll sleep in my bed" Dante shook his head and mumbled, "Shit"
He didn’t want to ask anymore than Ben wanted him to have to But he did ask and Ben would say yes "We want the saet crossed because Ben would never expect to be saved Regardless of the fact that he had no idea what in the hell this was between theless
"Okay," Ben replied and Dante removed his hand
After Ben paid the bill, he followed Dante froh that they could walk to Dante’s apartment A few minutes later, he stood at the bed Dante had tried to tie him to a week before
"Take off your clothes," Dante told Ben from behind him So he did He stepped out of his pants and unbuttoned his shirt They both went to the floor before he took off his underwear as well
Dante stepped closer, his clothed body aligned with Ben’s naked one He wrapped an ar his open hand on Ben’s abdomen "What you do to me So beautiful and broken" He inhaled close to Ben’s hair "The way you srab onto it"
It was only a few inches but Ben guessed that was the perfect length "I used to wear it slicked back It looks more professional"
"I like it loose, like this" He squeezed tighter "You shouldn’t be here right now I shouldn’t have told you what I did tonight"