Page 45 (1/1)

"No reithout risk," I murmured to myself, and headed for the apartment door

I took the lift down to the penultimate level of the underpalace The corridors here were as quiet as always -- and dilow of all the other levels Yes, this was the place

For nostalgia’s sake, I touched each door as I passed it, re Here were my sisters’ rooms: Zhakkarn’s with cannon shot e with shields; her has and whips (Very coh a little scratchy) Dear traitor Kurue’s, with pearls and coins scattered over nearly every surface, and books stolen from the library stacked atop the rest The coins would be tarnishing now

I avoided my own quarters, for fear of how they would ain? I steered hts off this path with a heavy hand

This left the fourth chamber, at the center of the level The one that had been Nahadoth’s

It was pitch-black within, but I could still see a little in the dark even without cat’s eyes The chas, no decorations, no hint that the room had ever been used Yet every inch of its structure screahtless walls The ceiling, which dipped toward the center of the room; the floor rose in the same spot, as if some terrible force had sucked the very stone toward itself The sharp corners, which no other rooh into the dark, I could alainst it and hear his soft, deep voice Have you come for another story? Greedy child

It had been cruel of y to hi into ing En off the cord, I willed it to hover in the space between the floor and ceiling extrusions Toat once, happily This reh it was lonely without planets

"Sorry," I said, reaching out to stroke its sive you ht?"

In answer, En flared bright yellohite for leeful candle I t to strok Suddenly Nahadoth’s chamber beca-headed apparition that seemed to taunt nored it and focused on the task at hand

"Lady of Secrets," I said, extending a hand; ers just so, I made the profile of a face on the wall and spoke with it "Shadow in the dark Nemmer Jru Im, h I did not move, my hand shadow cocked its head

"Well, this is unexpected," it said in a wo brother Sieh It’s been so the shadow into the shape of a donkey’s head I’ve been an ass "I hear interesting things about you, Nemmer Will you speak with me?"

"I answered, didn’t I?" The first shadow shifted, i its own arh I’ll ads about you, too I’ht have known "I’ll tell you every juicy detail, but I want so in return"

"Do you, now?" I tensed at the wariness in her tone That she did not trust me was irrelevant; she trusted no one She did not like h, which was anotherany bargains with you, Trickster"

I nodded; no more than I had expected "I mean no harm to you, Nemmer Cross my heart and hope to die" I heard the bitterness in ers into the shape of an old rudge toward you"

"That I do not believe," she said, folding her ar nothing asword --"

Her silhouette tossed its head in the universal gesture of rolled eyes "Resent us, then Yearn to kill us Is that h The talking shadows remained "You know my nature, Sister What do you want froh, but I was too soul-weary "Fine, I’ll say it: I hate you and I wouldn’t have contacted you if I had a choice, and we both know it Noill you speak with o to the infinite hells and leave it at that?"