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I lick ested is there At first, all I see is dark--blackness, but with a few blinks and a track of a ht, I see an ear then another then two more My heart pounds and excitement tickles my bloodstream Bunnies The yard in front of the barn is filled with bunnies They’re brown and furry and the urge is to rush out, grab one, and squish it toto the bales behind us "It’s sweet to theuys were taking the bales off the trailer, loose pieces of hay fell to the ground and now lots of the joyous critters are partaking in a free meal Just when I couldn’t love bunnies er Beautiful little scavengers

Logan locks his ar, enjoying his hold He turns his head, nuzzling his nose into my hair "Abby?"

I closein my soul "Yes?"

"You know I care for you, too"

I squeeze his arainst the side of my head

"I’ hi, I’ Sniper Detonation expert Juggling fire High school guidance counselor"

The right side of my mouth tips up "That’s safer?"

"At least then you’ll have backup You’ll have people you can trust"

My happy moment fades and a bunny raises his head and seems to look at me He knows a possible predator is near He knows he’s in danger and yet he stays perfectly still Acting as if when he freezes he becomes invisible, but all he’s done isI’ll be doing if I return to selling on the streets

"I’ll tell you so else nobody knows," he whispers

"Other than you can play guitar," I tease

I feel his chest ruh and I like the sensation

"Tell ht of what he’s about to tellin it "My father accusedno idea who I am He says that I just ride whatever wave is in front of me to the shore"