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I had stayed awake, yet drifted into subconscious thought Thinking ofif Logan would visit her if I died Then pretended that I ith him Not bound Not blindfolded Not onfalls off me The hair on my arms stands on end with the coolness of the car that sweeps over my skin and my mind can’t process why my captors would covershut and I strain to hear anything that could help hway, conversation, anything, but once again nothing
They’ll expect ht when they open the door They’ll be prepared I’ll go limp Be heavy Hit thele of fear in my blood andand I can’t decide if these extra few ift or a curse
Warm air swirls in as the door nearsteady and try to ignorehard in my ears They would assume I fell asleep, could possibly believe I still ah I bite
The urge is to breathe out slowly for calmness, but I don’t I don’t want to die Not like this Not today I don’t want to die in a worse way I don’t want to be hurt I don’t want to be defiled I don’t want
A gentle touch againstswept away My throat thickens and the blindfold is removed, but my eyes remain shut
My eyes shoot open and an Tift heartbeats Logan found le up, but the seat belt keeps me in place "Be careful There’s two of thean reaches over and undoes the seat belt and my head whips in the other direction as Isaiah opens the other door and swears
"They tied her up," Logan says in a low tone
"We got to keep this steady" But there’s a wildness in Isaiah’s eyes that can mean pain for the people he’s pissed at
I breathe out, but then I’m filled with dread My best friend and the boy I care for are here and I’er "You shouldn’t have followed"
Isaiah undoesmethodically--unhurried and I feel like I’an holds his hand out to me I take it and he’s careful as he helps me out of the car It’s dark So incredibly dark Black like I’ve never seen Our only light co on us froan as I search for Eric’s boys, for our way out of this scenario Logan cupshands and studies the wound on my head and then moves my shirt to the side to check out my bullet wound "Are you okay? In pain? Did he hurt you?"