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I blow out an unsteady breath as I have to sell to hiainst the colder glass of the on’t allow Karl to pull away fro, but I don’t care This deal will be done within screa distance I can do this I can do my job
After him will be Oscar Oscar likes to try to "ets far and his " to Oscar results in hot showers that nearly cause third-degree burns, but Oscar buys randmother safe
"Abby," Houston pushes "Are you okay? I’m serious, you look like shit"
"Pull over here"
Because Houston has played this gaers on the handle and when I crack the door open, he says, "If you’ve got probleot ears"
Great Even my clients think they’re shrinks "Next time I want smaller bills" I ease out of the car and walk away One deal doithout dying Too o
For the first ti up Gras ache, my stomach sloshes, andof antibiotics and wish I could take the painkillers the doctor also prescribed, but once again, I don’t possess the luxury of time--not even to heal
It’s eleven at night Can’t decide if I’ I haven’t seen a shred of myself in what feels like forever Hearts were broken today, uard were happy Somehow, I just feel terrified, exhausted, and hollow
The large oak door whines when I open it andsound when I shut it behind me and lock it Triple lock it With the knob, the chain then the dead bolt Not that the locks would keep out a shooter, but I’ve kept this place a secret like my father did Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep it a secret a little while longer
I turn and nition and the sucking in of air prevents ingon the stairs is black hair, broad shoulders, and a key dangling froht nowhe’s the only person I want to see right nowit’s Logan
"What are you doing here?" I whisper-shout then throw my hands in the air "NeverDoes nothing He’s a wall that never changes color
"Are you stalking h an carandht because he kneorried about her going to sleep, because soher on her than others And then he’d text me to let me kno she was
"Heard who you left with," he says in an even and lifeless tone "Figured you’d be working My bad if you didn’t want to kno she was doing"
My cell burns in my back pocket and I think of the buzz I had received seconds before walking onto the ra an I left with Linus, knowingly setting Logan up to be hurt, and Logan still checked on randan because I don’t knohat to do, what to say The television is on low in the living roo howif my name was mentioned
I lean my shoulder on the doorway and Nate smiles when he sees me "Welcome home, Abby"
I nod because I’ else "She okay?"
"It’s been a rough week on her, but we ht nurse on the face of the planet Strong, friendly, a night owl by nature The proud black rand jokes as he helps lift Gra help"
Of course he was Logan’s one of the good guys The hero The right Theon the stairs of the house full of people dah the night?" My eyes automatically fall to the baby hts that he’s sat by randmother’s bed because she’s becoht was a tough one, but I think she’ll do better once she sees you again How are you doing?"
I find the strength to wink at Nate "That sounded an awful lot like a personal question"
He just flashes that big white shs "Just conversation You look dead Head upstairs and go to sleep for the night Ms Lynn won’t be happy if you look this bad in the nize s to ray I pay all three of my nurses under the table, in cash, all without Uncle Saan’s still sitting there He wasn’t a dream or a hallucination