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Our ue and ain control But he’s onLogan to lose histhe warainst his jawline Logan’s hten in response and the ends ofhis body to respond I’an think only of me
I’ve done what I’ve wanted I’ve kissed the boy, and as ers dawdle across his biceps in the search for his chest to push hian weaves his arainst the wall, his body sweetly crushingsensation of the friction created He stares down ateyes that are so dark they’re practically black We’re both breathing hard, we’re both moments from an explosion
"You don’t play fair," I say a lotby the saant expression off his face "I don’t play by rules"
"I know" Logan sweeps his thumb over ly e for, but when he presses his body into mine, specifically his hips, my entire body rocks with the intense rush
"We really doing this, Abby?" he whispers
I bite my bottom lip and he watches Lust smolders between us I just oal I should inch hiive him a wink, and blow a kiss as I walk away, but I’m excellent at selfish "At least for a few an
"Seriously, I didn’t know you played guitar" Abby sits on the table next to s are crossed and she leans back on her hands and that ht "Or any musical instruments"
I wind the cord up faster Theher to the brook in Bullitt County, grabbing a sleeping bag, hopping into the bed ofup where we left off
"You plan on joining their band?"
I glance at Abby out of the corner ofIrritated with ain "Why did you play tonight? Why not tell anyone you could play guitar? Why not tell any of us you were playing? People care about that shit"
More nothing from me
"I kissed you so that buys ue across les her eyebrows "At least we’ve finally raised the stakes of the ga with fire isthan fast speeds
"Does Isaiah know?" she continues "West? Your baseball friends?"
A slight grin on -no-else-does glint in her eyes is far sexier than it should be "So I’ and zip everything up "Is this what you really want to do? Ask questions? I was under the i because neither of us feel"
She cocks her head and repeatsto understand you"